St. Andrew is surrounded by easily accessible parking spaces. Entry to the parking lot can be made from Catawba Street. Handicap accessible parking is located in front of the church.
Dressy, business, or casual attire are all acceptable. Children's activities may get "messy" so, use your judgment when dressing your child.
Middle and High School students usually dress casually on Sunday.
Speak to Pastor Saurman. He can walk you through the process and schedule a New Member Dedication, along with pairing you with a current member of the congregation to help you become familiar with the St. Andrew family.
Children are welcome to all worship services. We have Children's Time, followed by Children's Church, during the Sunday services. Childcare is provided during each service at our nursery.
Pastor Saurman is available after worship services on Sundays.
Or, you can make an appointment by calling the church office, Monday through Friday 9am - noon.
Opportunities for volunteering include: Council member, committee member, choir member, outreach ministries, Sunday School teacher, working with youth, etc.
As Lutherans we believe in the teachings of Martin Luther, a 16th century monk, who wrote the Ninety-five Theses in October, 1517.
Luther believed and taught that salvation and subsequently eternity in heaven is not earned by good deeds, but is received only as a free gift of God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ as the redeemer from sin and subsequently eternity in hell.
“This one and firm rock, which we call the doctrine of justification,” he wrote, “is the chief article of the whole Christian doctrine, which comprehends the understanding of all godliness”. Justification, in Christian theology is God's act of removing the guilt and penalty of sin while at the same time declaring a sinner righteous through atoning sacrifice.
At St. Andrew Lutheran Church, we believe that all religions have the potential to lead to a deeper understanding of God and the universe. We honor and respect all paths towards enlightenment and strive to create a community that is inclusive and welcoming to all.
We are dedicated to living and spreading God's Word through loving care and service to all.