Our Calling in Education is centered by the belief that God calls us to guide people in the Christian faith and the Lutheran Doctrine.
Evangelism stimulates and lead all members of the congregation in continuous and, sometimes, concerted endeavors to reawaken the spiritually indifferent and to reach others with the Gospel and attach them to Christ's church. This group devotes itself to deepening the spiritual life of the surrounding community.
Fellowship endeavors to provide opportunities for the congregation to experience fellowship together. They provide programs aimed at the whole family in some functions and just adults in others. They strive to include singles and new members in all of the fellowship events.
We express our faith and love for God and man by reaching out to the community and serving those in need.
Maintenance oversees the proper repair and maintenance of the buildings, land, utilities, and basic furniture belonging to the congregation.
Worship and Music is tasked with the over site of services of God's House and that they are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the ELCA.
Stewardship promotes the expression of Christian faith in daily living. Stewardship provides knowledge that assists members in determining how their gifts, time, and talents can be best used to the glory of God.