St. Andrew Weeks Hall
Join us for delicious soup and Lenten based dramas as we prepare for the coming of our risen Lord.
Supper starts at 5:15 with dramas at 6:15....
St. Andrew Weeks Hall
St. Andrew
Tots of Fun is Lots of Fun
Joyful Music, Singing and Bible Study introducing your Toddlers ages 0 - 5 to the Love of Jesus.
Adults, please p...
St. Andrew
St. Andrew Weeks Hal
Crafty Christians is a new quarterly event where we will join in fellowship to create Christian based crafts. Our 1st craft will be creatin...
St. Andrew Weeks Hal
St. Andrew
A celebration of 75 years of serving the Lord in New Bern NC and surrounding areas. Festivities will include dedication of our new
"Martin ...
St. Andrew